Ora et disce! Das Schulwesen der Jesuiten am Beispiel des Akademischen Gymnasiums Innsbruck
Ora et disce! The Jesuit School System Illustrated by the “Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck”
This paper is concerned with the so-called confessional phase of school history and provides an insight into the Jesuit school system. Using documents from the archives of the “Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck”, it examines how the Jesuit school concept was structured and what remained of the school order after the dissolution of the Society of Jesus at the “Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck”. The aim of this thesis is to show that despite the dissolution of the order and the beginning of state supervision of schools, there were only a few changes in the grammar school system and that the “Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck” remained at its core a school according to the Jesuit model. Furthermore, this thesis delivers insights into a source inventory of the school archives that has not yet been seen by the public.
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